The name of the Club shall be called LB Rovers Football Club and it shall seek affiliation and be bound by the rules of the Football Association of Ireland and the Kerry School boys/girls League & the Kerry District League.
2.1 The Object for which LB Rovers Football club is established is to foster, promote and develop, at all age groups the game of soccer by managing and developing the club resources, including equipment and pitches and arranging training and football matches for all of the registered players of the club.
2.2 To arrange training and football matches for all of the registered players of the club.
2.3 To foster, promote and develop, at all age groups the game of soccer.
In furtherance exclusively of the foregoing object, the Club shall have the following subsidiary object,
2.4 To constantly strive to improve, progress and maintain standards within the club. All individuals involved in the Club should conduct themselves with integrity, transparency, accountability and in a fair and equitable manner.
2.5 To create a positive, encouraging environment for children playing football whereby:
All players receive professional coaching
All players enjoy proper equipment and facilities
All players learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship
All players enjoy themselves
- i) The Club will abide by the Football Association of Ireland’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures and Codes of Conduct.
Membership is open to all and no application will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation or gender.
The membership shall consist of the following categories:
- Family Member (Parent/Guardian of player who pays registration fee for schoolboy/schoolgirl).
- Coach Member
- Committee Member
Only members who have paid the appropriate registration fee and filled up the appropriate Membership/Registration are deemed to be Members of the Club. Only paid up Members at the end of January and over 18 years of age can vote or attend the Clubs Annual General Meeting. For a Family Member a representative of the relevant Parent/Guardian can attend or vote on their behalf at the AGM if they so deem it appropriate.
Members in each category shall pay Registration/Membership fees as fixed by the Management Committee.
The Club Registrar (Coaching Director) shall keep a Membership Registrar. In the event of a member leaving the club for a variety of reasons such as moving to another club or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Registrar.
The management of the club will consist of:
- a) The Management Committee
- b) Team Coaches
- c) Family Members
- A) The Management Committee
- i) It shall consist of the following Club Officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, Coaching Director (Club Registrar), Public Relations Officer and Child Welfare Officer. The Officers of the Club will be honorary (non-paid). Only members for more than one year of the Club can become members of the Committee and take up Officer Roles.
- ii) Committee Members shall hold office from the date of appointment until the next Annual General Meeting unless otherwise resolved at a Special General Meeting. One person may hold no more than two Club Officer roles at any time.
iii) The Management shall be responsible for the management of all affairs of the Club.
- iv) The decisions of the Club Committee shall be made by a simple majority of those attending the Management Committee meeting. The Chairperson of the Club Committee meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- v) Meetings of the Management Committee shall be chaired by the Chairperson or in their absence the Vice-Chairperson.
- vi) The quorum for the transaction of business of the Management Committee shall be five.
vii) Decisions of the Management Committee shall be recorded in the Minutes of the meeting. The minutes of meetings are recorded by the Secretary.
viii) Any member of the Management Committee may call a meeting of the Committee by giving not less than 7 days notice to all members of the Committee. The Management Committee shall hold not less than 4 meetings a year.
- ix) Any outgoing member of the Management Committee may be re-elected. Any vacancy on the Club Committee which arises between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by a member proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining Management Committee members and approved by a simple majority of the remaining Management Committee members.
- x) In special circumstances the Management Committee can co-opt extra members onto the Committee.
- xi) A member of the Management Committee cannot hold an officer position on the Committee for more than five years. The only exception to this is the position of Coaching Director which is deemed to be a permanent role and not up for election.
xii) Club discipline procedures to deal with any issues/complaints regarding club members or members of the Management Committee are outlined in the Club Child Welfare Code of Conduct. This procedure will be followed.
xii) A Player discipline procedure is also in place to deal with any disciplinary issues regarding players of the club. This procedure will also be followed.
- xi) Role of the Chairperson
- i) The Chairperson will chair all committee meetings. He/she will ensure that meetings deal with all items on Agenda.
- ii) The Chairperson will allow all members of the Committee to participate in the meetings by affording them an opportunity to speak on various issues that are on the Agenda.
iii) The Chairperson in conjunction with the Secretary will decide on the dates and times for Committee meetings.
- iv) The Chairperson in conjunction with the Secretary will decide on the items for the Agenda.
- v) All cheques of the Club must be signed by either the Treasurer or Chairperson.
- vi) The Chairperson will monitor also activity in the club bank accounts.
vii) The Chairperson will present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
xii) Role of the Secretary
- i) The Secretary should deal with all correspondence.
- ii) The Secretary shall take the minutes of the Committee meetings and any other meetings of the Club, including the AGM.
iii) The Secretary in conjunction with the Chairperson will draw up Agenda items. Committee members will be entitled to raise any matters of concern by way of advance notice to the Secretary or under the Agenda item “any other business”.
- iv) The Secretary in conjunction with the Chairperson will decide on the dates and venue for committee meetings. He/she will inform the other members of the committee of these dates.
- v) Other members of the Committee may be delegated to assist the Secretary in the performance of any of the above or other duties as required.
xiii) Role of the Treasurer
- i) The Treasurer shall keep up to date accounts of the finances of the Club. The financial year shall run from January 1st to 31st December each year.
- ii) The Treasurer shall report on a regular basis to the Club Committee on the Club’s finances.
iii) The Treasurer shall collect and enter into the bank accounts of the Club all money and proceeds entrusted to him/her.
- iv) The Treasurer in conjunction with the Chairperson will operate bank accounts on behalf of the Club.
- v) All cheques of the club must be signed either by the Treasurer or Chairperson.
- vi) The Accounts of the Club must be signed off and approved by the Committee before the AGM.
vii) The Committee of the Club shall be indemnified against any expenses incurred by them in the course of carrying out their duties for the Club. These expenses need to be approved by the Committee of the Club.
viii) The Treasurer shall present a financial report at the Annual General Meeting.
xiv) Role of the Coaching Director
- i) The Coaching Director will decide on the times and facilities for training for the various age groups. He will do this in conjunction with the other Team Coaches.
- ii) The Coaching Director will act as the Club Registrar. He will keep a list of all the players in the various age groups. This includes their contact details and also their parent/guardian details. He/she will retain all the completed registration forms.
iii) The Coaching Director will also source suitable equipment and provide advice to the Committee on what should be purchased.
- iv) The Coaching Director will act as the main contact with the Kerry School Boys/Girls League regarding fixtures and registration of teams and players. He/she will attend meetings organised by the Kerry School Boys/Girls league which deals with these issues.
- v) The Coaching Director will provide advice and guidance to the other Team Coaches regarding the coaching of the different age groups. He/she may give advice on team selection and also styles of play for each of the teams.
- vi) The Coaching Director will be responsible along with the relevant coach for dealing with player discipline which is outlined in the Club Player Discipline Procedure
- xv) Role of Child Welfare Officer
- i) The Child Welfare Officer will have responsibility for drafting up the codes of conduct for players, parents and coaches. These will be approved by the Committee.
- ii) The Child Welfare Officer will brief all the committee and coaches regarding the content of the Club Child Welfare Code of Conduct and also the Codes of Conduct for Players, Coaches and Parents.
iii) The Child Welfare Officer will act as liaison with the Kerry School Boys/Girls League Child Welfare Officer.
- iv) The Child Welfare Officer will do their utmost to ensure that all coaches possess up-to-date GARDA Vetting in the club. He/she will inform all prospective coaches and committee members of the requirements for Garda Vetting and also the process involved. He/she will also keep a list of coaches and committee members that possess up-to-date Garda Vetting.
- v) The Child Welfare Officer will do their utmost to ensure that all coaches have completed the appropriate Safeguarding courses. He/she will inform all prospective coaches and committee members of the requirement to attend a Safeguarding course and also the process involved. He/she will keep a list of coaches and committee members that have attended the relevant Safeguarding course.
- b) Team Coaches
- i) Their role is vital to the success of the academy as they take charge of a particular age group in terms of organising training sessions and matches for them. The Coaching Director will actively provide help and support to the various coaches.
- ii) It is the aim of the coach of the club to promote the highest standards to their players in training and match days.
iii) All team coaches should have the appropriate interest and competence. All coaches must possess up-to-date GARDA Vetting and have attended the appropriate coaching courses and safeguarding courses before being given the responsibility of managing a team.
iv)Team coaches should plan and prepare their coaching sessions in advance, which should include
Facilities available
Availability of equipment
Players available
The coaching structure for the training session
- v) Team coaches must give advice, encouragement and support to their players in coaching sessions and on match days, promoting sportsmanship and fair play at all times, also ensuring that players shake hands with their opponents.
- vi) Team coaches are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is honourable and in keeping with the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship. They should not get involved in tactics, either by words or action that are likely to bring the Club, or the League in which they play, into disrepute.
vii) It is important that coaches liaise with the Coaching Director on a regular basis to discuss any issues with players and with their sessions. The Coaching Director may provide constructive feedback also to the coach to help him/her improve her sessions and also the performance of their teams.
viii) The Team Coach will also be responsible for player discipline in conjunction with the Coaching Director. Their responsibilities are outlined in the Club Player Discipline Procedure.
- Family Members
- i) This group represents parents/guardians of all the players of the academy. They have an involvement in the running of the Club by means of the Annual General Meeting which they can attend and can participate in the discussions on the Agenda. They can also vote at the Annual General Meeting for the election of officers and also on other items on the Agenda.
- ii) Any adult taking part in any activity organised by the Club, or attending such an activity with the club as a guest or another, shall conduct himself or herself in an exemplary manner.
iii) Adult behaviour must be of the highest standard to set the correct example to the players.
- iv) Players should expect advice, encouragement and support and not be embarrassed or humiliated by the adults watching them.
- v) Adults should not shout, swear, argue, become violent or use sarcasm.
- vi) Adults should
Praise good behaviour to show that adults value it
Praise effort and performance, rather than just achievement, most often in the case of a victory
Emphasise the importance of involvement first, winning second
Display patience
Ensure players have a clear understanding of the standards of behaviour expected
vii) Matters of team selection, including the playing of substitutes, remain the sole responsibility of the Team Manager/Coach and his/her decision will remain final. No parent/guardian should try to unduly influence the Team Coach with regard to team selection.
viii) At all times, during the course of the game, the decisions made by the referee qualified or unqualified, appointed to officiate, will remain final.
- ix) Any parent/guardian whose behaviour is considered to fall below the required standard, may result in the membership of that player being suspended or cancelled.
- x) Any complaint regarding the opposition, referee, spectators, or any other aspect of the game must be dealt with by the Team Coach. If the matter is deemed serious enough the Club Secretary will inform the appropriate authority. It will not be acceptable for individuals to take the law into their own hands.
- An Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) of the Club shall be held each year +/- one
month of January.
- All members are to be notified at least fourteen days in advance of the A.G.M.
- A minimum of 8 persons is required for a quorum at the A.G.M.
- A simple majority of those present at the A.G.M. shall be sufficient to alter, delete or add to any rules in the Club Constitution, providing such alteration, deletion or addition have been specifically included on the agenda of the A.G.M. Each member present shall have one vote.
- Each Officer of the Club shall present a report to the A.G.M.
- Items for inclusion on the agenda must be forwarded in writing and received by the Secretary 7 days prior to the A.G.M. This includes notice of any resolution to be proposed such as a rule change to the Constitution.
- The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and agreed at a committee meeting prior to the A.G.M.
- Nominations for election of members as Club Officers shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder of whom must be existing members of the Club, to the Club Secretary 7 days before the AGM. In the event of no written nominations for Officer positions in the Club, the position can be nominated on the floor at the Annual General Meeting or failing that the first Committee meeting of the new Committee.
- Voting shall be by a show of hands then followed by ballot if deemed necessary by Chairperson of the meeting.
- A Special General Meeting can be called at any time by the majority of the Committee. 60% of the Club Members may also call such a meeting. The meeting must take place within 14 days of the Secretary receiving notice of the request. Business at an SGM may be any business that maybe transacted at an AGM.
- The Chairperson, or in their absence a member selected by the Committee, shall take the chair. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
- The Club Secretary shall take minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
- i) The registration fees, match fees and any other fees will be decided by the Club Committee.
- ii) All players must be registered with the Club and appropriate League before they are allowed to play matches.
- iv) Team Coaches are to be appointed by the Coaching Director with the approval of the Committee for each of the age groups.
- v) Teams within the Club shall play home games at venues designated by the Club Committee.
- vi) Players must wear kit provided by the Club or team sponsors at matches.
- ix) The Club’s purchasing policy requires the approval of the Club Chairman and Treasurer for any expenditure in excess of €50. All items of expenditure will be receipted and copies provided to the Treasurer.
- x) The Club shall not be liable for payment of non-sanctioned items of expenditure.
- xi) All adults involved directly with children will be aware of their responsibilities as specified in the Club’s Child Welfare Code of Conduct. It is the duty of each Team Coach to ensure that all children are safe and every effort will be taken to protect them.
iii) Completed online membership forms along with appropriate fee to be handed in before the commencement of the league or commencement of training sessions for Academy groups.
vii) Club notepaper and any other paper bearing the Club emblem can be used only by Officers of the Club.
viii) All members of the Club shall operate and behave in accordance with the Club’s Code of Conduct.
xii) A player must give first commitment to his/her own age group but can play for a team in the next upper age group, provided it is by agreement with both managers, on a match by match basis. The Coaching Director will need to be consulted on this as well.
7. Additions, alterations or amendments
No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to the provisions of the object(s)
clause, the income and property clause, the winding up clause, the keeping of accounts
clause or this clause of the Constitution for the time being in force unless the same shall
have been previously approved in writing by the Revenue Commissioners.
8. Income and Property
The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of
the object(s) as set forth in this Constitution. No portion of the Club’s income and
property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or
otherwise howsoever by way of profit to members of the Club. No officershall be
appointed to any office of the Club paid by salary or fees, or receive any remuneration or
other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Club. However, nothing shall prevent
any payment in good faith by the Club of:
a) reasonable and proper remuneration to any member or servant of the Club (not
being an officer) for any services rendered to the Club;
b) interest at a rate not exceeding 1% above the Euro Interbank Offered Rate
(Euribor) per annum on money lent by an officer or other members of the Club to
the Club;
c) reasonable and proper rent for premises demised and let by any member of the
Club (including any officer) to the Club;
d) reasonable and proper out-of-pocket expenses incurred by any officer in
connection with their attendance to any matter affecting the Club;
e) fees, remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth to any Company
of which an officer may be a member holding not more than one hundredth part
of the issued capital of such Company;
9. Winding-up
If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains, after satisfaction of all
debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, it shall not be paid to or distributed
among the members of the Club. Instead, such property shall be given or transferred to
some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the
Club. The institution or institutions to which the property is to be given or transferred
shall prohibit the distribution of their income and property among their members to an
extent at least as great as is imposed on the Club under or by virtue of the Income and
Property clause. hereof. Members of the Club shall select the relevant institution or
institutions at or before the time of dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be
given to such provisions, then the property shall be given or transferred to some
charitable object. Final accounts will be prepared and submitted that will include a
section that identifies and values any assets transferred along with the details of the
recipients and the terms of the transfer.
10. Keeping of Accounts
Annual accounts shall be kept and made available to Revenue on request. Where the
gross annual income exceeds €250,000 the accounts will be audited.
There shall be a minimum of 3 unrelated, resident trustees at all times.
The role of the Treasurer and Chairperson of the Club is to sign all legal agreements and contracts on behalf of the Club.